Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Show-and-Tell Evangelism

John Wimber/Kevin Springer wrote in Power Evangelism,

"Primitive peoples often need to see the superior power of the gospel demonstrated for them to believe"
(Power Evangelism, Hodder an Stoughton, 1992, pg 54).

I think modern 'peoples' with the Western mindset often need the same. We need to be open to what I call "Show-and-Tell Evangelism" - evangelism that demonstrates the gospel's validity through acts of love, compassion, and power.

For many, love and compassion are cool and obvious. But power? How? Through God! If we allow Him to, He can and will shower the lives of the unbelievers we encounter with His marvelous loving presence and power, alerting them to the reality of His superiority over disease, depression, and demons. We have to remember that its ALL HIM. We can do nothing in and of ourselves. If we focus on Him and learn to hear and see his leading, perhaps He will touch folks in a way they've never encountered before. Maybe many times He won't. Maybe love and compassion are all that's needed.

But may God forgive us for forgetting His power. May He awaken us and this new emerging generation to the unfathomable vastness of His power to bring real change into lives devastated by the god of this world.

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